So, I want to do something in agda, consider the following type:
data Genlist (A : Set) : Set wherecons : A -> Genlist A -> Genlist A
generator : ((tt : ⊤) -> Genlist A) -> Genlist A
The type captures the notion of finite but expandable lists. But because agda doesn't understand that delaying a computation can guarantee termination I need to bypass the type checker with a pragma.
ones : Genlist Nat
ones = generator (\x -> cons 1 ones)
Unfortunately, that also comes with the following cost. You can prove that the type isn't inhabited.
data ⊥ : Set where
uhh : ∀ {A} → Genlist A → ⊥
uhh (cons _ x) = uhh x
uhh (generator x) = uhh (x tt)
The type system needed would, apart from allowing recursion with delayed computation, also need to keep track of how often you force a computation.