Friday, July 14, 2017


Woot! The N-Queens problem as translated from Haskell to Egel. I have absolutely no idea what the code does.

namespace System (

    def flip = [ F, X, Y -> F Y X ]

    def or =
        [ false, false -> false
        | X, Y         -> true ]

    def and =
        [ true, true    -> true
        | X, Y          -> false ]

    def @ =
        [ F, G, X -> F (G X) ]


namespace List (

    using System

    def length =
        [ nil -> 0
        | cons X XX -> 1 + (length XX) ]

    def foldl =
        [ F, Z, nil -> Z
        | F, Z, cons X XX -> foldl F (F Z X) XX ]

    def foldr =
        [ F, Z, nil -> Z
        | F, Z, cons X XX -> F X (foldr F Z XX) ]

    def ++ =
        [ nil, YY -> YY
        | cons X XX, YY -> cons X (XX ++ YY) ]

    def map =
        [ F, nil -> nil
        | F, cons X XX -> cons (F X) (map F XX) ]

    def reverse = 
       foldl (flip cons) nil

    def block =
        [ 0 -> nil
        | N -> cons (N-1) (block (N-1)) ]

    def fromto =
        [ X, Y -> 
            if X < Y then
                reverse (map [ N -> N + X ] (block (Y-X)))
            else nil ]

    def zipwith =
        [ Z, cons X XX, cons Y YY -> cons (Z X Y) (zipwith Z XX YY)
        | Z, XX, YY               -> nil ]

    def any =
        [ P, nil        -> false
        | P, cons B BB  -> if P B then true else any P BB ]

    def all =
        [ P, nil        -> true
        | P, cons B BB  -> if P B then all P BB else false ]

    def elem =
        [ X -> any ((==) X) ]

    def notelem =
        [ X -> all ((!=) X) ]

    def insertEverywhere =
        [ X, nil -> {{X}}
        | X, cons Y YY -> cons (cons X (cons Y YY))
                 (map (cons Y) (insertEverywhere X YY)) ]

    def concatMap =
        [ F -> foldr ((++) @ F) nil ]

    def permutations =
        foldr (concatMap @ insertEverywhere) {{}}

namespace NQueens (

    using System
    using List

    def nqueens =
        [ 0, NCOLS     -> cons nil nil
        | NROWS, NCOLS ->
              [ SOLUTION, A ->
                  A ++
                    [ICOL, B ->
                        if safe (NROWS - 1) ICOL SOLUTION
                          then B ++ ({SOLUTION ++ {ICOL}})
                          else B]
                    (fromto 1 (NCOLS+1))) ]
            (nqueens (NROWS - 1) NCOLS) ]

    def safe =
        [ IROW, ICOL, SOLUTION ->
            notelem true
                [SC, SR ->
                   or (ICOL == SC) 
                  (or (SC + SR == ICOL + IROW) 
                      (SC - SR == ICOL - IROW))]
                (fromto 0 IROW)) ]

using List
using NQueens

def main = length (nqueens 8 8)

Unfortunately, it takes some.. time.. A lot longer than Haskell which just prompty gives the answer.

[marco@stallion src]$ time ./egel ../examples/ 

real 0m13.020s
user 0m13.000s
sys 0m0.001s

But then again, I am more looking for automating tasks on matrix operations then anything else. So, I am happy.

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