Not sure what I've been doing in the intermediate time. It involved a lot of Brexit posts and playing Magic Arena.
But I returned!
I decided that supporting Posix is overkill for now and just implemented basic reading and writing of Unicode strings to channels as primitives. Which isn't fine, all popular languages have byte IO as primitives too, but -ah well-, whatever.
I also implemented a small Unicode TCP transport for Egel. Combined with eval, that allowed me to write a small server which evaluates Egel expressions for anyone on port 5000.
# Testing Egel's Unicode TCP transport.
# The server spawns a listener for each incoming connection,
# evaluates input from there, and sends the result back.
import "io.ego"
using IO
using System
def listener =
[ CHAN ->
let IN = read_line CHAN in
if eof CHAN then close CHAN
print "received: " IN "\n";
let OUT = eval IN in
print "sending: " OUT;
write_line CHAN (blip OUT);
listener CHAN ]
def spawn =
let CHAN = accept SERVER in
print "spawned a listener\n";
let _ = par (spawn SERVER) (listener CHAN) in
nop ]
def main =
let SERVER = server 5000 5 in spawn SERVER
It works. Neat! I also wrote a small Sudoku solver and uncovered a small bug in Egel.
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