Friday, February 2, 2024

Control Flow Revisited

Two forms (b?f:g)(x) and f(b?x:y), should be enough for all (functional) control flow analysis. In a very abstract sense, application and choice are all you need.

After I commented that contification just equals hoisting on a small example someone on the interwebs made a smart comment that 'f' cannot be hoisted in the following example but can be contified.

let f = fun arg -> body in 
match thingy with 
| A -> f x 
| B -> f y 
| C -> g foo

Of course, you just need a rewrite to a term that uses b0? f(b1?x:y) : g foo to see that 'f' is still hoisted. But it won't be pretty so that's an issue.

1 comment:

  1. My current opinion on Compiling with Continuations: Hocus-Pocus Engineering
